Sunday, 16 June 2013

Oban Fieldcourse

So it's been around a month since my last post, in that time I have been back home to Dunstable for a couple of weeks and been on an Env fieldtrip to the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Oban, Scotland. We had a great time there and were lucky enough to be able to spend two days running a scientific research vessel to collect data on Loch Etive and the surrounding area. It was such a great experience! And really good to meet even more people, its a shame that I wont be around to get to know them more. I'll be spending this week writing up a report which oddly im looking forward to, geek i know! :). Looking forward to a good nights sleep after the 12 hour journey today!

Group 4 on the back of the RV Calanus
(I am in all black on the back row)
Group 4 on the back of the Soel Mara
(I am the one in the blue helmet)
Oban 2013 Group Photo at SAMS
On the Aussi front I have been given my halls for my first 20 weeks at Kooloobong Village, which are brand spanking new halls, which i am so looking forward too and what an awesome name!!! I have been approved for two of my three modules for my first semester, I have got in touch and hoping to convince UOW that I have experience with GIS, which I do, so that I can do the third year GIS module :). Whilst at home I did a bit of shopping for Aus, its getting closer, 4 weeks today! Eek.